Kris graduated from McMaster University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Social Work. She moved from Ontario to Alberta in 1989 to continue her career. She has worked in the community supporting people with developmental disabilities, as a discharge planner on a rehabilitation unit and in Continuing Care. After 34 years working as a Social Worker Kris retired in 2017.
Kris and her husband Randy have a son, Jacob who is 27. Jacob was born with a developmental disability. It quickly became evident that as parents, they would also be advocates and need to learn to work with people, organizations and systems.
In 2020 at a turning point in Jacob's life Kris became involved with Inclusion Alberta. The importance of creating a path with Jacob to further his independence was evident. With the invaluable support, knowledge and advocacy of Inclusion Alberta, Jacob is living with a Supportive Roommate through FMS. It was an eye opening experience for Kris, and only furthered her commitment to inclusion by becoming involved, sharing and learning.